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Vaser Liposuction

"Vaser Liposuction: Achieve Natural Results with Ultrasound-Assisted Fat Removal"

Vaser Liposuction offers a sophisticated approach to body contouring, utilizing ultrasound technology to break down fat deposits effectively. This method reduces the likelihood of skin irregularities and promotes skin tightening by concentrating energy in deeper layers. Importantly, Vaser Liposuction is designed to address localized excess fat rather than facilitate weight loss.

"Surgery Procedure"

Performed under general anesthesia, Vaser Liposuction typically takes 1-2 hours to create a natural, aesthetic outcome. Small, approximately 0.5 cm incisions near the target areas allow access for treatment. Anesthetic fluid is introduced under the skin through these incisions to aid in pain management. Subsequently, the Vaser technique is employed to emulsify and remove fat from the same sites. Drainage tubes are typically unnecessary, and the procedure can be applied to multiple body regions. Following surgery, a specialized compression garment is provided to the patient.

"Post-Surgery Care"

Dietary intake can commence shortly after the procedure, and patients are usually discharged within a few hours. A custom compression garment is recommended for wear over 3-4 weeks. It is normal to experience minor fluid seepage from incision sites during the initial days. Bathing is typically permitted within 2 days post-surgery. Return to work is typically possible within one week, light exercise can resume after 3 weeks, and vigorous physical activity is permissible after 6 weeks. Patients may observe temporary bruising and swelling at treated sites, with complete recovery ranging from 6 months to a year. These recovery times may vary based on supplementary procedures.