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Under-Eye Bags Correction

Under-Eye Bags Correction

One of the most conspicuous indicators of fatigue and the aging process is the presence of under-eye bags. The presence of puffy under-eye areas can significantly contribute to the impression of an older and more fatigued appearance, which may not accurately represent one’s actual state. These concerns can be effectively addressed through a range of both surgical and non-surgical approaches, such as laser treatments and under-eye fillers. The selection of the most appropriate treatment modality is determined on a highly individual basis, following a thorough medical evaluation.

For non-surgical interventions, laser therapy stands out as a viable option to address under-eye bags. Employing non-ablative laser techniques ensures that no surface skin peeling occurs. Typically, an optimal outcome necessitates around three sessions, with a recommended interval of 10-15 days between each session. Following the treatment, a mild, temporary redness may be experienced for a period of approximately 1-2 days, underlining the importance of diligent sun protection. However, it is crucial to note that non-surgical procedures may not yield results that are as pronounced as surgical alternatives. Nevertheless, some individuals favor non-surgical methods for their convenience, as they eliminate the need for anesthesia and can be completed within a short, 15-20 minute office appointment.

Surgical treatment frequently entails lower eyelid blepharoplasty.

The Surgery

The surgical procedure is typically conducted under the effects of either general anesthesia or twilight anesthesia. Incisions are meticulously placed near the lash line. The overall duration of the procedure is generally in the vicinity of 1 hour. Following the surgical intervention, appropriate dressings are applied, and hospitalization is rarely necessary.

Postoperative Phase

Post-operatively, resumption of dietary intake is relatively prompt. Cold applications are consistently administered to mitigate facial swelling and bruising. Early and consistent use of these cold applications can significantly alleviate the intensity of these post-operative side effects. The bandages applied following surgery are typically removed on the second or third day, facilitating the patient's ability to take a shower. Subsequently, sutures are removed on the fifth day, and swelling and bruising generally subside within 7-10 days. At this point, makeup application can be resumed, and patients can often return to work within 3-5 days post-surgery. Light physical activities can be gradually reintroduced after a span of 2-3 weeks, with more strenuous activities resuming after 1 month.


Results vary among individuals. The surgical procedure effectively eliminates under-eye bags, resulting in a tauter and more youthful appearance. The rejuvenation achieved through this procedure contributes to an overall fresher and more youthful countenance. For those seeking to maximize their aesthetic enhancements and ensure long-lasting results, additional cosmetic procedures can be contemplated, such as brow lifting, forehead lifting, mid-face lifting, wrinkle fillers, Botox injections, skin renewal treatments, and laser skin tightening procedures.