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Rhinoplasty – Enhancing Nasal Aesthetics

Rhinoplasty - Enhancing Nasal Aesthetics

Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as nose aesthetics, is a precision surgical procedure aimed at harmonizing both the form and function of the central focal point of the face, the nose. Rhinoplasty encompasses a range of techniques, from reshaping and refining to reducing or augmenting specific nasal features. Moreover, it plays a critical role in the field of reconstructive surgery, addressing cases resulting from congenital anomalies, traumatic injuries, or accidents. The ultimate objective of rhinoplasty is to achieve a result that seamlessly integrates with the patient's facial profile, yielding a natural appearance while ensuring optimal nasal functionality. To achieve this facial symmetry, the surgical plan may extend to other facial areas such as the chin and cheekbones, either through surgical procedures or non-invasive enhancements.

Common modifications performed during rhinoplasty encompass:

  1. Nasal dimension alterations
  2. Nasal width reduction
  3. Nasal hump correction
  4. Elevation of the nasal tip
  5. Refinement and reduction of the nasal tip
  6. Nostril reshaping
  7. Correction of nasal deviations
  8. Rectification of breathing difficulties stemming from nasal issues

Surgery Methods

Two primary methods for rhinoplasty are open and closed rhinoplasty. In open rhinoplasty, an incision is made between the nostrils and extends toward the upper lip (columella), accompanied by additional incisions within the nasal cavity. Closed rhinoplasty involves incisions solely within the nostrils. The selection between these methods hinges on the patient's nasal anatomy and the surgeon's expertise.


The surgical procedure takes place under general anesthesia and typically has a duration of approximately 1-2 hours. Depending on the selected approach, auxiliary procedures addressing breathing concerns, such as septoplasty and rhinoplasty, may be executed. Nasal cartilage and bone structures are meticulously reformed, with the midline cartilage or septum frequently being the preferred source when additional cartilage is necessary. In cases where native cartilage is inadequate, cartilage grafts from the patient's ear or rib may be employed. Following surgery, a specialized splint is gently applied to the nasal region, with nasal tampons generally being avoided.

Postoperative Phase

Postoperative care commences shortly after the surgery with the resumption of dietary intake. For the initial 24 hours, cold compresses to the nose and facial area are recommended. Patients are typically discharged on the same day as the operation or the following day. In cases where nasal tampons are employed, their removal generally transpires within 2-3 days. The nasal splint is typically removed on the 7th day, coinciding with the extraction of nasal tip sutures. Subsequent to splint removal, patients may resume regular activities, shower, and return to work. The initial days following surgery may entail minor breathing difficulties, as well as the potential for facial and nasal swelling and bruising. After 3 weeks, patients can re-engage in light activities, while more strenuous physical exertions are permissible after 4-6 weeks. The utilization of eyeglasses is usually sanctioned after this same 4-6 week timeframe. Postoperative nasal care involves the consistent use of medications as prescribed by the surgeon. Nasal irrigation with saline solution is recommended for nasal cleansing. Furthermore, any blood clots or blockages within the nasal passages should be gently addressed using cotton swabs and appropriate creams.


The outcomes of rhinoplasty frequently involve moderate swelling that may persist for approximately 2-3 weeks. Over the course of the first month, nasal shape refinements begin to manifest. After this period, it is common for about 70-80% of the initial swelling to have dissipated, with the residual reduction of any swelling taking several months. The complete resolution of swelling and the culmination of the healing process may span up to a year.