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Neck and Face Lift

Neck and Face Lift

The process of aging, chronic sun exposure, stress, and the relentless force of gravity can take a toll on our skin, leading to sagging and wrinkles. This results in a loss of the youthful contours of the face. The primary objective of neck and face lift surgeries is to breathe new life into aging skin, rectify sagging, and eliminate wrinkles, ultimately restoring a youthful appearance. These surgical procedures are often complemented by eyelid surgeries, neck lifts, brow lifts, and skin rejuvenation treatments.

Suitable Patients?

These surgical interventions are equally suitable for both men and women. If individuals exhibit deep lines between the base of the nose and the corners of the mouth, jawline sagging, or facial and neck wrinkles, they are prime candidates for facelift procedures.

Types of Face and Neck Lift Procedures

  1. Mini Face Lift: This minimally invasive procedure involves limited incisions, typically beginning in front of the ear. It is particularly effective for individuals with cheek and jawline concerns, although its efficacy may be somewhat reduced for addressing neck-related issues.
  2. Standard Face Lift and Neck Lift: These procedures require more extensive incisions, which commence within the hairline and extend to encompass natural creases both in front of and behind the ear. Deep soft tissues are repositioned, enhancing the contour of the cheeks and jawline, and excess skin is removed.


Facelift and neck lift surgeries are conducted under general anesthesia and typically last between 2 to 3 hours. The choice of the surgical method is tailored to address the specific concerns of each patient. Small drainage tubes may be utilized, and suitable bandages and suspension methods are employed.

Postoperative Phase

Post-surgery, nutritional intake resumes shortly, and patients are encouraged to become mobile. Depending on the complexity of the surgical procedure, hospitalization may extend to one to two days. Drains are typically removed within 1-2 days post-surgery. While mild facial swelling and bruising may occur, these typically subside to tolerable levels within 10-14 days. Patients may shower 1-2 days following discharge. Sutures are self-absorbing. The patient can typically return to work within 2 weeks, with lighter activities resuming after 2-3 weeks and more strenuous activities permitted after a month.


While these surgeries significantly decelerate the aging process, it is important to acknowledge that the aging process continues. The rejuvenating effects typically persist for a span of 5-10 years. To achieve results that are longer-lasting and more aesthetically pleasing, these surgeries can be harmonized with other interventions such as brow lifts, eyelid surgeries, skin rejuvenation, fat injections, botulinum toxin treatments, and filler applications.