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Mid-Face Lift

Mid-Face Lift

The mid-face lift procedure addresses the effects of aging and gravity on the mid-region of the face, including the cheeks and lower eyelids. It aims to restore a smoother, more youthful appearance to the cheeks and lower eyelids.

Preparation for the Procedure

Before the surgery, a detailed medical history is obtained to ensure the patient's overall health and well-being. This includes a review of medications and any existing medical conditions. The patient's expectations and concerns about their facial appearance are discussed in depth. A thorough clinical examination is conducted, and photographs are taken to document the patient's current facial condition.

The Procedure

The mid-face lift is performed under general anesthesia and typically takes approximately 1-2 hours. The procedure usually starts with an incision made along the lower eyelid's eyelash line. Depending on the specific needs of the patient, the targeted areas are lifted and tightened using either endoscopic (camera-assisted) or traditional techniques, and any excess skin is removed. Dressings and bandages are applied post-surgery.

After the Procedure

The patient can resume their diet immediately after the surgery and is typically mobile. In most cases, the patient stays in the hospital overnight. Some swelling and bruising may occur in the facial area, which can be minimized with the application of cold compresses during the early stages of recovery. Dressings are typically removed within 2-3 days, allowing the patient to take a shower. Stitches are usually removed after 5 days. Swelling and bruising typically subside within 2-3 weeks. Most patients can return to work 5-7 days after the procedure. Light activities can be resumed after 2-3 weeks, while more strenuous activities may require waiting for approximately a month.


The mid-face lift is a highly personalized procedure, and the outcomes can vary based on individual factors. However, the procedure typically results in a reduction of wrinkles around the mouth, improved appearance of swollen lower eyelids, and a firmer, more youthful look in the cheeks. For longer-lasting and more effective results, the mid-face lift can be combined with additional treatments such as brow lifting, forehead lifting, upper eyelid surgery, wrinkle fillers, and Botox injections.