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Fat Injection

Fat Injection

The utilization of fat tissue has become increasingly prevalent, serving as a prominent method for soft tissue fillers. This technique involves the use of an individual’s own fat tissues, rendering it not only cost-effective but also readily accessible, with the added advantage of being devoid of any side effects or allergic reactions. The collected fat tissues undergo specific processing procedures, ultimately enabling them to function as fillers for various areas of the body.

This method can be employed for a variety of purposes, such as filling cavities, enhancing skin quality (particularly in regions impacted by radiotherapy), addressing scar issues (specifically atrophic scars), improving breast aesthetics (through composite breast augmentation), and breast reconstruction. The transplanted fat tissues remain in the treated area for an extended period, thereby ensuring a long-lasting effect. Moreover, the presence of stem cells can lead to an increase in the quality and thickness of the tissue in the treated area.

Preparation for the Procedure

Before the procedure commences, a detailed medical history is obtained, followed by a comprehensive patient examination, expectation assessment, and a thorough briefing about the procedure. Typically, this process does not necessitate specific tests.

The Procedure

The surgery can be conducted under either general anesthesia or local anesthesia accompanied by sedation. Initially, the site from which the fat tissues will be extracted is identified, and the fat suction process is carried out through an incision of approximately half a centimeter. The collected fat tissues undergo processing and preparation for injection. Subsequently, they are injected into predetermined areas using thin cannulas. The duration of the procedure may vary depending on the application area, but it generally lasts around 30 minutes.

After the Procedure

Patients are typically discharged on the same day, and they can take showers the following day. The resumption of daily activities is feasible immediately, and individuals can return to work after two days of rest. Engaging in more strenuous physical activities is permissible after one month. These timeframes exclusively apply when fat injection is performed in isolation. If it is executed as part of another procedure, the recovery and healing times of the preceding surgery are applicable, and fat injection does not require additional recovery time.

The longevity of the injected fat tissues may differ among individuals. Given that this procedure involves grafting, some of the transplanted cells continue to reside in the treated area. Consequently, approximately 40-50% of the transplanted fat tissues can become permanent, potentially eliminating the need for repeated filler applications through successive sessions.