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Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure that can be applied to both the upper and lower eyelids, aiming to remove excess skin and fat tissue. The primary goal of these surgeries is to achieve a smoother, more striking, and youthful appearance around the eyes. Over the years, sagging skin, fat deposits, and drooping eyelids due to stress and lack of sleep can not only give a tired and aged look but also affect your field of vision. These surgeries can be performed independently or during the same session and are suitable for both men and women.

The Surgery

Upper eyelid surgery can be performed under local anesthesia or twilight anesthesia, while lower eyelid surgery typically requires general anesthesia. For the upper lids, the incision is placed at the natural height of the upper lid crease, while for the lower lids, it runs close to the lash line. The duration of the procedure is typically between 30 minutes to 1 hour for the upper lids and 1 to 2 hours for the lower lids. After the surgery, suitable bandages are applied, and wound care is provided.

Postoperative Phase

Nutrition starts immediately after the surgery, and the patient is mobilized. The discharge can take place on the same day, or the patient may stay in the hospital for one night. There may be slight swelling and bruising on the face. Early applications of cold compresses can help minimize the intensity of these side effects. Bandages are removed after 2 to 3 days, and the patient can resume showering. The sutures are removed on the 5th day and swelling and bruising usually disappear within 7 to 10 days. Afterward, makeup can be applied. The patient can return to work in the first 3 to 5 days following the surgery. Light activities can be resumed after 2 to 3 weeks, and strenuous activities after 1 month.


Eyelid surgery is an individualized treatment method. After the surgery, bags under the eyes are eliminated, and firmer, more youthful upper eyelids are achieved. This gives the patient a younger and well-rested appearance. For better and long-lasting results, other aesthetic procedures such as forehead lifting, upper lid tightening, mid-face lifting, fillers, Botox, skin renewal, and tightening through laser treatments can be considered.