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Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction

Breast reduction, medically known as reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical intervention designed to address the concerns associated with breasts that have become saggy and burdened with excessive tissue, causing discomfort such as back and neck pain in women. This condition may also result in shoulder grooves from bra straps and skin issues beneath the breasts due to perspiration. Moreover, it can significantly hinder women’s physical activities. As such, breast reduction surgery plays a crucial role in boosting individuals’ self-assurance.


The surgical intervention generally occurs under the effects of general anesthesia, with an average duration of 2-2.5 hours. The nipple is meticulously repositioned to align with the ideal anatomical levels on the body. Redundant breast tissue and skin are surgically removed, and the breast is reshaped before the skin is expertly sutured. The preservation of the nipple is an integral aspect of this procedure. The incisions made on the breast are created in a circular pattern encompassing the nipple, extending vertically from the nipple to the inframammary fold, and continuing horizontally within the fold. To prevent the accumulation of blood and serum within the breast, specialized negative-pressure tubes known as drains are inserted. The surgical procedure is then concluded with dressing applications and the application of specialized bras.

Postoperative Phase

Following the surgery, most patients are typically hospitalized for one night. The resumption of normal feeding can commence soon after the procedure. Drainage tubes are carefully removed within the initial one to two days, while prescriptions for antibiotics and pain relief are provided. Dressings are left exposed from the third or fourth day onward, with patients exclusively wearing specialized support bras. Showering can be resumed after this time frame. Some degree of pain, swelling, and bruising in the breast region is common and tends to subside within 7-10 days. Returning to work is possible about a week after the surgery, although strenuous activities should be avoided for a period of 4-6 weeks.

Can I Still Breastfeed After Breast Reduction?

Notably, breast reduction surgery aims to preserve a portion of the milk ducts and the nipple-areola complex. For individuals with an adequate amount of breast tissue containing milk glands, breastfeeding should remain a feasible option post-surgery.

Does Breast Reduction Increase My Risk of Breast Cancer?

All tissue samples extracted during the surgical procedure are meticulously subjected to pathological examination. This thorough scrutiny is instrumental in detecting any potential early focal lesions that might remain concealed during routine screenings. Furthermore, the reduction in breast tissue as a result of the procedure contributes to a reduced risk of developing breast cancer.


Breast reduction procedures consistently yield high levels of patient satisfaction. While it's important to note that breast tissue does not regenerate, it's possible that sagging may develop over time as part of the natural aging process. Nevertheless, breast reduction surgery is distinguished for its capacity to increase self-confidence, enhance physical well-being, and relieve discomfort, such as the aforementioned back pain.