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Botox Treatment (Botulinum Toxin)

Botox Treatment (Botulinum Toxin)

Botulinum toxin, an exotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, acts by inhibiting the release of neurotransmitters required for muscle contractions. In doing so, it effectively reduces muscle contractions in the treated area, contributing to the mitigation of wrinkles caused by dynamic facial expressions. As individuals age, the strength of facial muscles intensifies, leading to the development of wrinkles in both the upper and lower facial regions.

The toxin is administered via targeted intramuscular injections, specifically disrupting the nerve-muscle communication within the designated region. Typically, the recommended age for commencing preventive treatments is around 30 years. However, structural wrinkles may manifest earlier, permitting interventions at a younger age. This treatment modality is known for its excellent safety profile, making it suitable for lifelong use, and its effects are completely reversible, as the body fully metabolizes the substance.

The primary objective of this procedure is to attain a natural and harmonious aesthetic outcome. It is crucial to emphasize that this treatment does not result in an immobile or “frozen” facial appearance. Rather, it imparts a rested, rejuvenated, and vibrant countenance, effectively displacing any signs of tension or somberness with a refreshed and contented demeanor.

Application areas:

  • Smoothing horizontal lines on the forehead
  • Addressing vertical glabellar lines between the eyebrows
  • Diminishing lateral canthal lines (crow’s feet)
  • Minimizing bunny lines on the nose bridge
  • Reducing vertical lines above the lips (smoker’s lines)
  • Elevation of the oral commissures
  • Lessening the visibility of the gums during a smiling expression (gummy smile)
  • Mitigating necklines
  • Elevating the eyebrows for a subtle lift
  • Rectifying facial asymmetries in cases of facial nerve palsy
  • Management of hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) in the hands, feet, and underarms
  • Alleviating migraine headaches


Anesthesia is generally not required for the procedure. The botulinum toxin is meticulously delivered through microinjections, tailored to the specific requirements of the individual. In cases where the treatment involves the management of hyperhidrosis, localized anesthesia may be employed due to potential discomfort. The duration of the procedure can range from approximately 5 minutes for wrinkle treatment to potentially 10-15 minutes for hyperhidrosis management. The precise placement of the injections within the targeted muscle group is of paramount importance.


After the application, it is advisable to abstain from washing the face, applying makeup, engaging in massage, and avoiding activities that involve bending or lying down for the initial 1-2 hours. Patients can typically resume their regular activities immediately. The onset of effect typically occurs within approximately 2 days, with the full extent of impact usually observable within 7-10 days. It is important to note that the full efficacy may not be realized following the initial application, necessitating a follow-up appointment around 7-10 days for any supplementary doses or adjustments, especially in cases where asymmetry correction is required. It is imperative to emphasize that this procedure is completely reversible, affording patients a high degree of control and adaptability in their pursuit of an optimal aesthetic outcome.