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Arm Liposuction

Arm Liposuction

Arm liposuction is a procedure aimed at removing excess fat deposits from the arm area, suitable for both men and women.

When Is It Performed?

It can be performed at any time, especially after achieving a stable weight through a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and diet. It's an ideal surgery to get rid of stubborn fat areas.

Fat Removal Methods

There are conventional, ultrasound-assisted, and laser-assisted fat removal methods. The most classical method is conventional liposuction using metal tubes called cannulas. In other methods, laser or ultrasound energy is applied through the same incisions. This breaks down fat cells and makes fat removal easier. These methods are more efficient, promote quicker recovery, and help the skin adapt more easily.


The surgery can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. The duration varies depending on the number of areas being treated but usually takes around 1 hour. Multiple small (0.5 cm) incisions are made in discreet locations near the areas to be treated. Special fluids are injected initially to control pain and bleeding. Appropriate cannulas are inserted, and fat is removed through back-and-forth movements. Special compression garments are applied to the treated areas. Arm liposuction can be combined with other surgeries, which may affect the duration.

Postoperative Phase

Nutrition can begin shortly after the surgery. Patients are typically ambulatory after the procedure. Drainage tubes are not used, and most patients can go home the same day. Some pain, swelling, and bruising may occur in the treated areas. Bathing is allowed within two days. A special compression garment is worn for 4-6 weeks. Patients can return to work in five to seven days. Heavy activities are permitted after one month. A specific post-surgery diet may be recommended.


Arm liposuction provides a lasting solution when weight is maintained. High satisfaction rates are reported, resulting in a healthy appearance due to reduced fat levels. Arm lift surgery is recommended for individuals with excess skin rather than arm liposuction."