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Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure aimed at sculpting a well-contoured abdomen by removing excess skin and fat while tightening underlying muscles. It’s effective for both women and men and can be performed year-round.

Eligibility for Abdominoplasty

Candidates should have excess abdominal skin and fat, post-pregnancy muscle laxity, dermal striae, or persistent abdominal fat. Those planning future pregnancies should postpone the surgery.


Performed under general anesthesia, abdominoplasty involves a strategic incision, skin, and fat removal, muscle tightening, and repositioning the belly button. The procedure typically takes 2-3 hours with surgical drains and a compression garment.

Postoperative Phase

Patients resume eating shortly after surgery, gradually increasing activity. Drainage tubes are removed in a few days, and a 1-2 day hospital stay is typical. Bathing, light activities at home, and work after 10-14 days are allowed, with the compression garment worn for a month. More strenuous activities can resume after a month.

Pregnancy After Abdominoplasty

It's advisable to postpone surgery for those planning future pregnancies. Typically, pregnancy can be considered after a full recovery, around a year.


Abdominoplasty boosts self-confidence and enables a healthier, more active life. Adherence to medical guidelines before and after surgery is crucial for success.